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Mr Black Dark Echo
Catalinbread Element Overdrive
Thorpy FX The Bunker
Solidgold FX BC239
Maxon CP-9 Compressor
Solidgold FX BC549
Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Memory Lane
Solidgold FX BC183
Maxon PT-9 Pro Phaser
Fredamp Crystal Preamp
Solidgold FX BC108
MXR IL Torino
Friedman Golden Pearl
Friedman Be Od Deluxe Clockworks Limited
Red Witch Pentavocal Trem
Lovepedal Babyface Tremolo
Providence Heat Blaster 4
Malekko Wolftone Unity MK1
Sabelya Tone Maker
Spruce Effects The Arborist
Matthews Effects Harbinger
ENGL EP-02 Delay
Heptode Deep Crunch
Noah’sark Blue Chorus
Carl Martin Red Repeat
Vick Audio Hypocenter
Solidgold Fx Stutterbox
lovepedal delux
Kustone Cleary Boost
Morley Diamond Distorsion
MXR IL Diavolo
Mad Professor Deep Blue Delay